Our manufacturing facility is located at Bangnahati, Sreepur, Gazipur which is 52 km away from Dhaka City and only 35 km away from Dhaka International Airport. The plant is designed to meet up the local and global demand. The production, quality control, quality assurance and research & development department are fully equipped with world class and GMP compliant machinery and equipment to ensure the production of pharmaceutical finished products having strict quality, safety and efficacy.
Goodman Pharmaceuticals Ltd is now manufacturing around 100 products including life saving antibiotics in different dosage forms and presentations such as tablet, capsule, syrup, suspension, powder for suspension, solution and pediatric drop.

Features of manufacturing facility
2. Fully equipped with (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) HVAC system
3. Completely dedicated facility for General Products
4. Full facility for oral solid, liquid and other formulations
5. Strict adherence to environmental requirements
6. Full facility for the storage of active ingredients and excipients in controlled environment

Quality Assurance (QA)
Our quality assurance department is well equipped with the most modern and sophisticated equipment including HPLC to ensure the best quality pharmaceutical products in strict compliance with the guidelines and specifications to attain and maintain a very high quality standard.
We maintain strict quality control procedures at every step starting from source validation, sampling and analysis of the raw materials to appropriate documentation and release of the finished products. Documented Quality Management is an integral part of all of our operations. Our all manufacturing processes and analytical methods are fully validated. People at all levels are committed to adopting the latest technology for continuous development. We believe that quality does not end rather it’s a continuous process

Research & Development (R&D)
We aim to improve people’s quality of life with our products. To achieve this, we always concentrate on the research and development of the innovative products and novel therapeutic approaches. At the same time, we are constantly improving the established products with the experience we have gained so far. By continuing to invest in our research and development, we always strive to develop Value Added Products and Quality Generics that address unmet medical needs, improve patient compliance and make products more affordable to patients. Our R & D activities are a manifestation of our belief in quality and competence.